Zum Boot (Tuerredda, Bavaria 46): schlechte und alte Matratzen, völlig durchgesessene, schmutzige Polster, Autopilot hat nicht funktioniert, Feldstecher defekt, Bimini und Süprayhood alt, zerrissen und nicht mehr Regenfest, nur eine Gasflamme am Herd war funktionstüchtig, mehrere Sonnenstoren defekt, Aussbordmotor verliert Oel, in Bugkoje rechts tritt Wasser durch die Decke ein
Zum Skipper: sehr fähiger Segler mit perfekten Ortskenntnissen. Als Schiffsführer einer Crew jedoch ungeeignet: nur Italienisch sprechend, keine Sicherheitseinführung gemacht, one-man-show (Crew nicht in Bootführung integriert), ungenügend auf Wünsche eingegangen
SamBoat: hat eigentlich alles geklappt, Kommunikation hat noch Luft nach oben!
The autopilot and bow thruster wasn’t working.
The team at the base already knew that the autopilot wasn’t working prior to our arrival and chose not to tell us. At the check-in they also identified that the bow thruster wasn’t working.
The team was rude and offered no assistance or alternative treating me and my girlfriend terribly.
They refused to offer us another boat and to write an email saying that the boat did not have the features we paid for and a refund proposal as the contract determined. They did however after a long discussion gave us a 250 euro cash refund without the email registration.
We were supposed to have the boat on that same day at 8pm but we were told to wait until next morning for the bow thruster to be removed and could only leave the marina at 10:30am. We did the trip without both bow thruster and autopilot. I was counting on these equipments when i booked the boat, the lack of it impacted our experience and safety a lot besides 14 hours delay delivery.